About Theodore "Ted" Baxter              by Bill Carraway

  From the standpoint of airplane modeling, particularly R/C, Ted's experience goes back to the days of vacuum tubes, escapements, and large battery packs. These are all primitives by today's standards.  He built beautiful and great flying models; and if he produced one that he felt did not fly well, he would test it into oblivion. One such test was to fly out to safe distance and to a great height. He would then dive straight down at full bore, ending with quick pull-up. If the model survived, it was deemed structurally sound and worthy of further flight. If it did not meet the test, it was back to the drawing board. Not only was Ted a great model builder, he was also an accomplished photographer. In fact, over the years, a number of model pictures were featured on the covers of several model magazines. His photography interests included wildlife subjects as well, particularly birds.

  My earliest recollection of Ted was of walking along National Avenue, hanging on to my Grandfather's hand. We stopped to watch as Ted glide tested a large trihedral free-flight model from the front porch of his home. I can still see the beautiful flat, slow, and steady glide that it made, skimming on to the land.  He jumped down, retrieved the model, and then stopped to talk to us. What touches me today, is that as a young adult, probably in his middle teens, he took five or ten minutes to answer questions and offer details to a four or five year old boy. Me!  The experience that day lit an interest in me for all aspects of airplanes and flight. The result was a career in aviation and a love of modeling.

  Ted, like all of us, was no doubt viewed differently by other people, but my memory of him is one of an all around congenial person. To me, he was always a gentleman, and a gentle man. He was free with his modeling knowledge and experience by helping anyone interested in the hobby. Sadly, towards the end, his eyesight failed to the point that his modeling activity was severely limited. Ted is missed by those modelers who knew him, and it is regrettable that all the current Aeromodeler Club members could not have known him personally.

 It is appropriate at this point to mention the loss of Bob Myers who passed away Aug 6, 1999. Bob, like Ted, was a good friend who loved the hobby.  If Bob were with us today, he would say "to whom it may concern, QUIT SMOKING"

Very respectfully,

Bill Carraway

A good friend